Change Management: Change with Impact
The world is changing: Globalization. Digitalization. Worldwide crisis situations. Changing work environments. Companies and organizations have to adapt more and more often and, above all, react more and more quickly. Changes or transformations in companies are the order of the day. The range is wide: new sales markets or technologies. Innovative products or services. Changed processes or structures. Change occurs on both a small and a large scale. Most changes are very individual - just like your company. They are rarely predictable and always represent an enormous challenge.
A new word construct has already found its way into the business world for this: VUCA. The American acronym stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. VUCA describes the current situation: uncertain, fast, complex and unpredictable. Old structures and processes only function to a limited extent or not at all. Familiar management tools fail. In order to successfully manage change in organizations, experienced partners and reliable companions are needed who think and act in a networked and sustainable manner.
"Paths are made by walking them."
Actively shaping agile transformation
There are many reasons why changes do not succeed: For example, the wrong approaches or lack of communication. But most changes do not fail because of the concept, the strategy or the planning. They fail because of people. Because the most important success factors for sustainable, effective change in companies are: Acceptance, unity among management, employee commitment, trust, constructive handling of resistance, good communication, fairness in the process, transparency. In short: So-called soft factors become hard factors when it comes to change!
That is why change processes are very strenuous for many companies. Some may also not have the courage or the necessary strength to create important changes on their own. They simply lack the experience and core competence of change management. That's why more and more organizations and companies - of all sizes, by the way - are using external change consultants. We act like a pilot when it comes to navigating your company safely through stormy times, with you as the captain.
We are your ...
- Systematic architect and process facilitator of the change project
- Honest sparring partner for emerging change dynamics
- Pragmatic implementer for "hands-on" change topics
- Passionate initiator for own learning
- Guarantor for the chance to grow as an organization in change
Together we develop ideas and offer a solution that is precisely tailored to your needs. In doing so, we rely on systemic approaches, work with the dynamics of the organization, share with you our entire know-how and work with individuals to large groups, from top management to the commercial sector.
Our service portfolio in the change process:
- Project management in cooperation with your steering committee
- Design of process architecture and individual interventions
- Design and facilitation of workshops with leadership teams
- Accompaniment of system. Coaching projects
- Large group events
- Executive sparring Evaluation of the change process
- Development of internal change competence
Actively shaping digital change
Digitization is an enormous challenge for many companies. Especially in the area of sales and marketing, consulting is often helpful, but perhaps not always sufficient. Bring the knowledge of proven digital experts into your company, who will not only accompany you on this path, but actively support you and make you fit so that you can develop yourself further.
We will be happy to answer your questions about our corporate customer service.
Phone: +49 (0) 981 97777876-70
Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.