Dr. Bettina Hansen
Focus topics
- Principles and tasks of leadership
- Applied leadership, also in change
- Tools for situational leadership as well as post-heroic leadership, also in matrix and non-profit organizations with special expertise in healthcare
- Becoming personally effective
- Organizational development and change management
- Strength-based training, coaching and consulting
- Design Thinking, Sinus and Limbic
What customers say about me:
"... demanding, creative solution-oriented - got me ahead ..."
Professional background
- Systemic consultant specializing in leadership, ego development, organizational development and change management
- Publishing manager, currently as publishing manager in a medical publishing house
- Approved physician with clinical experience in internal medicine
Education and training
- Certification as IE-Coach with Thomas Binder 2017
- Since 2011 continuous training as a systemic consultant with a focus on organizational development and change management at Professio - most recently in the master's course until 2016
- Management training in St. Gallen with Prof. Fredmund Malik
- Medical studies and doctorate in Ulm and Heidelberg