Dr. Thomas Gehlert
Focus topics
- Decision-making, cooperation and collaboration, and authenticity in complex and agile environments.
These main topics are reflected in my work with...
- development and transformation processes of organizations, teams and individuals
- Vision and strategy development,
- business process optimization
- project management
- Leadership and personality development
- Team management and group dynamics
- Sales and customer orientation
- System constellations for organizations
- Research on the interface between natural sciences and humanities
What customers say about me:
"... works vividly and with high practical relevance ..."
Professional background
- Audi AG, Quality Assurance
- 3M, Sales South German automotive supply industry and key account manager for BMW
- Work as organizational consultant and trainer since 1993
- 3 years member of the board at infosyon
- Change Masterclass
Education and Training
- Dr. rer. pol. TU Chemnitz
- Dipl.-Ing. in materials science at the University of Erlangen
- Complementary university studies in business administration
- Systemic organizational consulting (2 years) at the DGSD
- Systemic consultant long-term group (2 years) at BG-Neuwaldegg
- Gestalt therapy (2 years) at IGW
- Coaching and supervision training (2 years) at Professio
- Organizational Constellation (several years) with Gunthard Weber and others
- Certified as infosyon professional
- Group dynamics, psychodrama, solution-oriented therapy,
- Logosynthesis in self-coaching
- Licensed TIFF©-Consultant
- Quantum Physics (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Publications & Congress Contributions